Global Windday : The windmills of your mind !

Publié le par Antoine Walter

Wednesday, we will celebrate the Global Wind Day, all around the world. For the fifth editiion of this event, there are over 30 countries on 4 continents, that are taking part to this huge information campaign.

About the Global Wind Day

Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on 15 June. It is organised by EWEA (European Wind Energy Association) and GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council). It is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to change the world. In association with EWEA and GWEC, national wind energy associations and companies involved in wind energy production organise events in many countries around the world. In 2011, there are events organised in 30 countries on 4 continents. Events include visits to onshore and offshore wind farms, information campaigns, demonstration turbines being set up in cities, wind workshops and a wind parade. Many events happen on Global Wind Day (15 June) itself, but there are also events on the days and weeks before and afterwards. 

History of the Wind Day

In 2007, The EWEA decided to organize the first Wind Day, and this event reached 18 countries, and about 35 000 people in Europe. For the second year in 2008, two countries more joined the event, and there were 100 000 people that take part to the celebration. But the real boom came in 2009, year where the Wind Day became Global, with 35 countries, 300 events and 1 million people ! The growth went further in 2010, with the display of a 30 meters high wind turbine blade in Brussel, and the participation of over 1 million people.

Celebrations in 2011


In Brussels, the home of EWEA and GWEC, a wind parade on the Luxembourg Place will educate people working in the EU area on the benefits and importance of wind energy. Global Wind Day events are happening in 30 countries around the world. Some examples include: In France there are 15 events, ranging from wind farm inauguration to a jobs-in-the-wind-industry question and answer session. In Austria, journalists leapt from the top of a turbine and abseiled to the ground. In Japan there are 10 events, involving field trips to wind farms, experimental wind energy facilities and making wind turbines from a kit. In Australia, an open day at a wind farm is available, with a community evening planned to finish off the day. In Mexico, a public street fair will feature a drawing competition for kids and a display of wind energy history.

You want to find an event ?

Take a look to the map ! 


Publié dans The Golden Mission 2

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Wind comes from atmospheric changes; changes in temperature and pressure makes the air move around the surface of the earth; all of which is triggered by the sun. So in a way, wind energy is<br /> another form of solar power.